Canvas Prints – Shadow Box Framed

Printed In Australia

Compliment your Fine Art canvas print with our Shadow Box frames. Also known as a floating frame.

Your canvas print is recessed within the Shadow Box frame, leaving a small gap around all edges, which creates a shadow-like appearance. From the frontal view, your canvas print will have a 10mm wide frame, and from the side view, you will have a 50mm deep full frame. This adds an extra touch of depth and class to our Fine Art Canvas prints.

Canvas prints are always beautiful. Shadow Box framed canvas prints are next level.

We see Shadow Box framed canvas prints very beneficial as an alternative to Framed Paper prints in the instance where you would like to go very large. Without the need for glass or a matt board, we can achieve considerably larger custom prints, which are lighter to hang, and friendlier to your budget.

Take a look at our Instagram account for some inspiration while considering your next canvas print.


Select your options below to calculate final pricing and if you are ready to proceed, upload your image and order now

Note: 50MB File Size Limit

For larger files please upload your images to Dropbox or similar servce and include links to the images in your specific instructions below.

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