Canvas Prints – Stretched

Printed In Australia

Transform your photos into stunning canvas prints. Bring your walls to life with family memories, travel adventures or inspiring landscapes.

We use the finest materials to ensure the highest quality prints available. From our Genuine Epson Solvent inks, Artisan Fine Art canvas and solid 40mm deep pine stretcher bar frames. Quality is never compromised at Southern Cross Printing.

We take pride in our craftsmanship, and genuinely love what we do.

Our Brisbane canvas prints are perfect for enhancing your wall space for many years to come. Our printed canvas will look incredible for 75+ years. This is due to the outstanding performance of Epson’s solvent U.V inks, combined with the consistent weave of our Fine Art canvas. Brilliant colour reproduction, and impeccable image details are assured.


Select your options below to calculate final pricing and if you are ready to proceed, upload your image and order now

Note: 50MB File Size Limit

For larger files please upload your images to Dropbox or similar servce and include links to the images in your specific instructions below.

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